Welcome To Rock Creek Renovation

We specialize in painting and custom carpentry

House Painting

Custom Carpentry

Cabinet Painting

Transforming Spaces with Precision and Care - Your Trusted Partner for Exceptional Home Renovations


We specialize in painting and custom carpentry. Our focus is on your satisfaction. We put as much care into your project as if it were our own. We take great pride in our work and that is what drives us.

Find out what we can do for you!

Our Core Values - Gritty, Growth Mindset , Attitude of excellence

Cabinet Painting

Cabinets are one of the hardest items to paint. Let us handle it.

Rock Creek Renovation has the skills and the tools to properly paint cabinets.


Custom Carpentry

We specialize in creating special items such as accent walls and custom island installation. Let Rock Creek Renovation take care of you custom needs.



House Painting


Custom Carpentry


Cabinet Painting


Delivering a 5 star experience in a 2 star industry

Request a Quote

If you would like a quote from us, please fill out this form and someone will be with you shortly.


 Waynesville, Ohio | Lebanon, Ohio | Springboro, Ohio | Mason, Ohio | Xenia, Ohio

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